Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Land Conservation Movement

The Land Conservation Movement

Land Conservation, like Jazz, is an American Invention.

Some people come to conservation by an epiphany, some by intellectual analysis.

- Richard Brewer Conservancy- The Land Trust Movement in America. (c) 2003

Land Advocacy Groups aim to protect land by promoting Government purchase or regulation. But Government is subject to the whims of the moment. We can not depend on Government to save land. Land Advocates are mostly unpaid amateurs. Land advocacy is hard work over a long period of time.

A Land Trust is a private non-profit organization for which the acquisition and protection of land by direct action form it's primary mission. Land Trusts are non-confrontational and apolitical. They work with willing land owners in voluntary transactions.

Land Trusts work in the green sector of conservation. They protect beauty in the form of natural areas. Land Trust projects are place based- connected to a specific piece of earth. Most Land Trusts are local, and may be associated with only one property or project.

"Conservancy- The Land Trust Movement in America" Link to Book listing

Video about wildlife on Public Lands

Hiking Group Page

Boardwalk Hiking Trails

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